Anti Virus Software Detection Techniques

How does an anti virus work?

designed to to detect, prevent and take action to disarm or remove malicious software from your computer. Anti virus software begins by checking your computer programs and comparing them to malicious content. Along with this it will check the computers behaviours/symptoms for common traits of infected computers.


  • specific detection:

-This works by looking for known malware via a specific set of characteristics

  • generic detection:

-This process looks for malware that are variants of known families or malware related by a common database

  • heuristic detection:

-This process looks for previously unknown viruses by looking for known suspicious behaviour or file structures

Now lets ask the question, is it possible to be 100% protected from virus and attacks?

My answer and all logical answers would be, yes. Why i say yes because its simple. By looking at this pie chart on network attacks we can see how they was done. From what we can see which is the browser. This is simply because people not knowing the basics of virus’s, malicious content and attacks/how to defend against it. Because of this 36% of all attacks have occurred because of people not knowing what they are doing. As we can see brute force is second in which can be prevented. The attack is a trial and error to attempt to crack a password. This can also be prevented by having a strong password. 3rd biggest is backdoor’s in which are downloaded. As again its just down to simple knowledge and because of that it has taken 71% of all attacks.


Image result for pie chart of how computers are attacked


Some example of malware with their effects:

Malware Effect
adware Displays ads on your computers such as pop ups
Spyware Spys on you by tracking your data and taking screenshots
Virus attaches itself to another piece of software, and then reproduces itself when that software is executed
Worm replicates itself and destroys data and files on the computer. Worms work to deleting the system, operating files and data files until the drive is wiped


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